①规则4.42里说The instant any enemy combat unit moves adjacent to a leader, or if an enemy combat unit is adjacent to a friendly leader after Shock combat, that leader may conduct an Orderly Withdrawal if stacked with a friendly combat unit.
感谢无趣大的解答!还有一个问题,规则6.53里说At the completion of withdrawal, if it wishes to change facing it pays any Cohesion penalties inherent in such change.
这里的any Cohesion penalties inherent应该指的就是wood和rough里转向的惩罚吧?还有其它情况吗?另外规则说的是At the completion of withdrawal,那么OW结束后究竟是否允许改变朝向呢?假如允许,那么是否要消耗MP,消耗的MP是否要计入执行OW时允许的MPs内(双方MA之差)呢?