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Adiralty Trilogy海军上将三部曲中的一部,用来推演二战时期的海战(本人最喜欢二战太平洋战场)。AT一直致力于将三个游戏的系统统一,所以三个游戏在主要规则和图表上是完全一样的。要更深入地了解这个系统并进行推演,还是需要购买完整版规则,游戏手册和船表。 翻译的过程中我也看了Fear God & Dread Nought-Jumpstart,发现系统共用的图表FG&DN的jumpstart上有,而CaS上却没有,奇怪。
海军上将三部曲系列目前包括4 部战术海战兵棋
Dawn of the Battleship (1894-1905); Fear God & Dread Nought 2nd edition (1906-1925); Command at Sea (1926 - 1955); Harpoon5 (1956-2020).
1.AOB(Angle of Bow)
TDC是torpedo data computer (鱼雷数据计算机)的缩写,是一种机械计算机,二战中潜艇部队均用类似装备进行鱼雷的准确攻击,TDC的根本功能即为:设定鱼雷偏转角,所以偏转角度数是TDC中的核心数据。该种计算机有一个重要的特点就是:偏转角的大小和鱼雷航线误差成正比。
2. chase salvoes(又做chase salvos)
简单地说就是以机动规避来自敌人的攻击的同时攻击对方,追逐射击 下图是罗德尼号和俾斯麦号战列舰间的“chase salvos”
3.The Flaming Datum problem 顾名思义,Flaming Datu problem,火焰基准点问题,即通过攻击可能位置的敌方舰艇进行侦测的方式,这是一个关于隐藏自己发现敌人的零和博弈问题。这个问题对潜艇攻击至关重要。
在Two-Person Zero-Sum Games中一节Moving Search in Two Dimensions, P&M讲到The Flaming Datum problem—— In the Princess and Monster (P&M) game, Princess is trapped within the unit circle, pursued by a blind Monster who will catch her if the distance between themever gets as small as d, a given small but positive capture distance. The P&M game was introduced by Isaacs (1965) as a prototype where both parties are capable of motion.The Flaming Datum problem is related in an odd way to the P&M game. The name comes from a situation where a submarine has just torpedoed a merchant ship, and retaliatory forces arrive after a time delay. The torpedoed ship marks the place where the submarine once was, and thus acts as a “flaming datum” for the subsequent search for the submerged Evader. Evader might also be a burglar who has triggered an alarm and expects pursuit by police. In general, Evader commits an act that marks his position at time 0. After a time delay τ, Searcher arrives and begins searching while Evader tries to leave the area at a speed that cannot exceed U. At time t, Evader must be somewhere within a farthest-on-circle (FOC) with radius Ut. This expanding circle takes the place of the unit disk that confines Princess in the P&M game.”
在The Diesel Submarine Flaming Datum Problem有 “The Flaming Datum problem is one of relocating an enemy target that is fleeing after momentarily revealing its position. A diesel submarine faces this problem after attacking a ship, since the ship creates a visible marker of where the submarine must once have been. The tactical problem has been studied before underthe assumption that the submarine’s motion is constrained only by a top speed. Here we add the constraint that the battery’s capacity is also finite. The problem is bounded rather than solved. Techniques used include two-person zero-sum game theory and optimal control theory.”